No Hassles, No Hidden Fees
With RPN, the price you see is the price you get. Unlike many in the processing industry, we don’t hide fees in the fine print.

24/7 Support
RPN’s expert customer service is one of our top competitive advantages, so we work hard to ensure that when you need something from us, have a question, or just need advice, you’re always dealing with a real, live expert.

Insured - $100,000
In the event of your business suffering a credit card related data breach, RPN provides up to $100,000 of protection (with no deductible) automatically.

Eliminate or Dramatically Reduce Cash Reserves
RPN has a solution for any business that has a large cash reserve tied up by its credit card processor. By processing through RPN, your business can eliminate or dramatically reduce its reserve.
Compare our solutions to what you have now.

We're The Credit Card Processing Experts.
As the nation’s oldest non-bank credit card processing organization, our roots go back to 1968, no independent processor has more experience than us.
- No hidden fees – We don’t need to resort to hidden fees and teaser rates to attract or retain customers
- No long-term contracts – We earn your trust everyday. That’s why we don’t rope you into long-term contracts
We simply provide the best solutions to your credit card processing needs at prices that are fair and true. We stand by you like any good business partner should, always working with you to be sure that you have the best solution for your business.
We understand how to eliminate many cost-raising events having to do with merchant behavior and inefficient or improper terminal programming/language issues.
News to Save You Money
Never wire money as part of a retail sale
“Never say never” usually holds true in life, but in the case of handling a MOTO (mail order/telephone order) transaction as a retailer, you should never wire money to someone. Let me repeat, because it’s that important. Never wire money to someone as part of a retail transaction. With the Great Recession of 2009-10 has […]
Guard credit card data like cash
While waiting in line at a local fast food restaurant recently, I noticed a sign that you would normally only see in the breakroom or on an employee bulletin board out of sight from the customers. It was titled (in the giant-sized headline usually reserved for major news events) “Credit Card Fraud is a Federal […]
Do the bad guys have your number
Most of us hear about the really big data breaches that hit large retailers, governments and health care facilities. They make national news when they occur. But what we don’t hear about are all the “little guys” who increasingly are becoming the targets of cyber thugs. For a number of years the small and medium […]
Changes coming to gift cards
As consumers increasingly have embraced Visa- or MasterCard-branded gift cards, the card networks have become more concerned with the “user experience” at checkout and the impact of shoppers not knowing the balance remaining on their card during the process. As you might expect, if the consumer brings $100 worth of merchandise to the counter and […]
Downside of remote access
If you have the ability to access your computer system from an offsite location, the use of the technology that provides you “remote access” is usually a godsend. It can eliminate the need to drive back to your office or store to solve a problem there. It also saves time in case your computer or […]
Spring cleaning your card processing
Just like at home, “spring cleaning” has a place in the world of electronic payments. If you accept payment cards (credit, debit, gift) in your business, you should periodically conduct a top-to-bottom review of everything you’re doing. You will benefit by taking a few minutes to review your systems, equipment and procedures to find areas […]